Darookhaneh Apotheke Pharmacy is an Iranian pharmacy run by Sohrab Kashani and Anahita Razmi, opening on April 25th, 2024, at philomena+ in Vienna. Its spatial set-up comprises an installation filled with copies of Iranian pharmaceuticals and medication packages.
Emerging in the aftermath of a global pandemic and a period of shared devastation during which structural inequalities like the unequal distribution of vaccines became pressing issues, Darookhaneh Apotheke Pharmacy links to the Iranian concept of "darookhaneh" ("daroo" (medicine/cure) and "khaneh" (home) = "the home for cure"), testing out what it can enable for culturally & disciplinary hybrid artistic work during crisis.

Contextual disparities, trade restrictions, and health and access inequalities between the Global North and the Global South are some of the topics echoed in this space. Linking cultural questions to structural and economic ones and bringing together selected speakers, collaborators, and the public, Darookhaneh Apotheke Pharmacy fosters discussions and conversations on these critical topics and their larger contexts.

Produced with the financial assistance of the European Union (Culture Moves Europe) and with support from Austrian Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Stadt Wien - Kultur, BasisKultur Wien, and Bezirksvorstehung Leopoldstadt.
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